Harvey Smith — Operator III

Akron Ohio
6 min readNov 21, 2019


Harvey is the type of person who has never met a stranger in his life, only friends he’s yet to make. I first met him as he stepped down out of his loader to greet me with a huge smile on his face. Keep in mind, it was 34 degrees out at the time, but that didn’t seem to bother Harvey one bit. I asked if I could take a few photos of his work before we conducted our interview and he was happy to oblige.

Harvey maneuvered the loader around with ease. It was almost like an extension of his own limbs as he effortlessly situated the levers to pick up the leaves and carefully position them into the truck. Each time, the arms would get within inches of the truck but never once did he scrape it or move even a bit out of a position. To say I was impressed just wouldn’t cut it. The first thing I said after he had successfully cleared the entire pile in 5 minutes flat was, “Wow, you’re a wizard with that thing!” He just laughed and said, “Oh, that was nothing. We’re just getting started!”

  1. What does your job entail? How long have you worked for the city?

This is my 34th leaf removal season with the city! We all do a bit of everything out here. Our team is really versatile. During leaf season, I mainly work in the loader. I usually have a larger machine than the one I’m working in today but typically I stay in the machines. Not always though. It just depends what we need. Sometimes I’m out there with the blower. We all do it all. Then when the snow hits, we switch right into snow and ice removal.

2. What is your favorite part about your job?

I think my favorite part is meeting people while we are out. It’s always really nice when people come out to just show appreciation for the work that we are doing. It’s a really rewarding experience to be able to serve the people of Akron.

3. What do you think is the most common misconception residents have about leaf removal?

That we aren’t working hard or that we won’t make every effort to come back around. We do try to make it back around if the weather allows us to. It really just depends on the weather. We are at the mercy of Mother Nature for this service but we are out here day after day doing our best to work as quickly as possible and get as much as we can. Also people don’t think that 3–1–1 does anything but I would encourage residents to use that service.

4. What can residents do to make your job easier or to make the leaf removal process more efficient?

I would say the two biggest things are to rake out on time and to remove parked vehicles that block leaves. It happens all the time where the signs are posted well in advance of when we are coming and we have the sweeping crews come through and push all the leaves into the piles so I can come through with the loader and start picking them up and then someone comes out behind us raking their leaves into the street afterwards. It’s best to do it the day before because when we have to go back, it slows the whole process down.

5. How’s your family feel about the longer hours?

Oh they are really supportive. I’ve been married for 33 years now and my wife is always telling me to rest and take it easy when I’m at home. There are some long shifts with this job. I work anywhere from 12–16 hour days so when I get home she sends me right to bed (laughing). I have 2 kids, 1 daughter and 1 son. My son graduated from Ohio University and my daughter graduated from BGSU. They are the reason I work the long hours, to make sure they were provided for. They always knew I was the first one to clock in and the last to leave. They used to call me and be like, “Dad, where are you at? Fighting the leaf war?” And I would say, “Yeah the leaf war.” (laughing) Truthfully, this is my favorite time of year. You just have to make sure to properly dress for the weather and get enough rest. There is a lot of overtime, especially when we get down to the wire and we are really trying to finish up. There is always a big push at the end and that’s when we get into the 16 hour days. Honestly though I feel very blessed to do this work.

6. What is one thing you wish residents knew about what you do?

That usually when they’re asleep, we’re out here working. We take pride in the work that we do and have a lot of great people working for these crews. I think it’s easy for residents to get frustrated when they don’t see the long hours we are putting in or when the schedule gets delayed because of snow. A lot of us have been doing this for a long time and even the new guys are eager to learn more and to get faster and we all really try to be as versatile as possible so that we can fill any role and any need out here to get the job done. Just keep praying for me. I’ve got a couple more years out here!

7. What’s an interesting fact that people might not know about you?

That I was an art major! I actually started this job when I was a college kid at Kent State and I ended up never leaving. Art is a real passion of mine. My wife wants me to get back into it when I retire. I like to do murals and ceramics. It’s definitely something I love.


I wanted to keep chatting but Harvey’s job never stops and it was time to move on. Before leaving, he said, “God willing I see you again. Please keep us in your prayers and have a blessed day!” and with a quick hug from my new friend, he was back into the loader to work another 11 hours.

To make Harvey’s job easier and faster, please pay attention to the below guidelines for the leaf removal service.

  • Do not place branches or any other debris in the street — only leaves
  • Do not rake leaves into the street after leaves have been removed from your street or you may be subject to a fine
  • Do not park vehicles on the street the day before your scheduled pick-up, until your leaves have been removed
  • Do not park vehicles over leaves — heat from the underside of the vehicle may cause a fire
  • Do not attempt to drive through a large leaf pile (according to Harvey, at least once every year someone tries to do this thinking the leaves will scatter everywhere, when in reality they just end up getting their car stuck)

Each of the wards will take more than one day to complete. The schedule is subject to change in the event of adverse weather conditions. For residents wishing to have leaves removed prior to or after their scheduled pick-up date, the City offers three annual free curb service bulk pick-ups. Leaves must be bagged for early pick-up. To schedule, please contact the Mayor’s Action Center at 3–1–1 or (330) 375–2311.

